
Target Audience:  A primary group of people that marketers focus their product towards
Message:  A verbal or visual communication sent to the recipient who cannot be contacted directly
Work Ethic:  The principle that hard work pays off
Employability Skills:  Skills that relate to choosing, keeping, promoting in, and taking a job
20/20 Rule:  After 20 minutes on the computer sit 20 feet back for 20 seconds
Right-to-Know-Laws:  A worker have the right to know about all working hazards
Icon:  Representation of a symbol
Vector-based graphics:  The use of geometric shapes to create an image
Specs/specifications of a project:  rules/guidelines that need to be followed in order to complete a project correctly
Dialog box (within an application):  A small area on screen where the designer is provided with information or commands for their task
Palette (within an application):  A range of colors which artists use
guidelines: general rules
extensions: continuation
contextual menu: shortcut menu; appears with user interaction; pop-up menu
clipping mask: a shape that you are going to cut from a photo in the shape of the mask
hue: color shade
primary colors: colors that can be mixed with any other color and still be obtained
secondary colors: color that results in mixing 2 primary colors
tertiary colors: color that results from mixing one secondary color and one primary
neutral colors: warm colors
continuous tone image: contains gradient tones
resolution: how you view an image on the printer or screen
file size: amount of space a file takes 
typography:  graphics created by letters and type
 typeface:  font
serif:  extended lines that come off of the letters
body type:  type of font used depending on the content
display type:  advertisement type
reverse type:  white type against a colored background
point size:  size of font
ligatures:  a type that combines two letters together
ampersand:  a character that represents a word such as & (and)
 lowercase:  smaller letters

 uppercase:  larger letters
flushed left:  aligned left
flushed right:  aligned right
centered:  lines are centered individually on the same axis, gives a formal feel
justified:  aligned in 1 block
Type Family:  different variations of type face
Small Caps:  capital letters that align at the waistline
Lining:  numbers very uniform, align horizontally
Non-Lining:  Numbers aren't uniform, have ascenders and descenders 
Leading:  Space in between lines of type
Margins:  White space on top bottom sides of page
Concept:  idea
final product:  end results
thumbnail:  quick sketch to get ideas onto paper
initial cap:  larger, decorative capital letter at the beginning of text/ paragraph